Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cute New Office Supplies & Lets Go Green.

So I recently bought new office stuff & school supplies, and I found some cute cheetah printed magnets & binder clips. Not only did I buy that but I also bought a recycled binder & notebooks, so lately I've been getting into thing that are recycled but isn't this stuff cute.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Where I'm From

I am from sunny California,
From the sand, to the boardwalk, and to the palm trees
I am from the southern part of California and I where I call home is San Diego.
I am from a mother of three girls
the person who has
brought me smiles and who has taught
me to be strong and smart.

I'm from laughter and warm feelings,
From family and friends all over.
I'm fron R&B and Hip-Hop
And when listening to the wonderful music
From the creators Russel Simmons & LA Reid.
I'm from the talks about Life, Love and Money
from various of artist, which represents
the way I dress and think.

I'm from the dreams of being a fashion stylist,
and being a boutique owner
From styling Kimora Lee Simmons for the read carpet
to styling for magazines as
Vibe, Essence, Vogue, The Source and Elle.
And like Mary J Blige said, "All I really want is to be happy''.

by: Kanina

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Changing For Her.

Quiet, Shy, Obeyed, and Nice; that was me when I was younger & I've changed but after hearing my mother talking about how I've changed, I'm go back to being that girl cause it seems to make her happy. And the only thing thats missing is the quiet & shy part, but obeying & being nice is what I do best; well I could listen better.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Packing for Vallejo...

Angela Simmons New Clothing Line

So a couple of days ago on twitter Angela released some pictures of the clothes that she designed. And by looking at the clothes, her line looks like a "High Couture" which I love. And if you don't know she's the co founder of Pastry's Shoes along with her sister Vanessa Simmons. So heres a photo of one of the pieces of her clothing line and the new varsity Pastry Shoes.

Fashion Week Is Coming Up....

The Schedule...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Starting Fresh

Hey guys, so I know I haven't been blogging like I should be and I'm sorry. Well starting tomorrow I'm going to start blogging more, and as you can see I deleted most of my other post. The reasoning for it is because I thought those post were just irrelevant to me, that's why I deleted them. But for now on I will be blogging about the things I find interesting, meaning... I will be blogging about a certain lifestyle, fashion, life, certain celebs, school, and pop culture. So thank you all for paying attention to my blog and I hoping to show you want I really wanted to show you. And also visit my twitter page to keep up with me and follow my tumblr. I hope you enjoy, much love.